.. This file is part of Invenio. Copyright (C) 2015-2018 CERN. Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details. .. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== .. _prerequisites: Prerequisites ------------- To be able to develop and run Invenio you will need the following installed and configured on your system: - `Docker `_ and `Docker Compose `_ - `NodeJS v6.x and NPM v4.x `_ - `Enough virtual memory `_ for Elasticsearch. Overview -------- Creating your own Invenio instance requires scaffolding two code repositories using `Cookiecutter `_: - one code repository for the main website. - one code repository for the data model. These code repositories will be where you customize and develop the features of your instance. Bootstrap --------- First, let's create a `virtualenv `_ using `virtualenvwrapper `_ in order to sandbox our Python environment for development: .. code-block:: shell $ mkvirtualenv my-repository Now, let's scaffold the instance using the `official cookiecutter template `_. .. code-block:: shell $ pip install cookiecutter $ cookiecutter gh:inveniosoftware/cookiecutter-invenio-instance -c v3.0 # ...fill in the fields... Now that we have our instance's source code ready we can proceed with the initial setup of the services and dependencies of the project: .. code-block:: shell # Fire up the database, Elasticsearch, Redis and RabbitMQ $ docker-compose up -d Creating network "myrepository_default" with the default driver Creating myrepository_cache_1 ... done Creating myrepository_db_1 ... done Creating myrepository_es_1 ... done Creating myrepository_mq_1 ... done # Install dependencies and generate static assets $ ./scripts/bootstrap .. note:: Make sure you have `enough virtual memory `_ for Elasticsearch in Docker: .. code-block:: shell # Linux $ sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 # macOS $ screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty linut00001:~# sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 Customize --------- This instance doesn't have a data model defined, and thus it doesn't include any records you can search and display. To scaffold a data model for the instance we will use the `official data model cookiecutter template `_: .. code-block:: shell $ cd .. # switch back to the parent directory $ cookiecutter gh:inveniosoftware/cookiecutter-invenio-datamodel -c v3.0 # ...fill in the fields... Let's also install the data model in our virtualenv: .. code-block:: shell $ workon my-repository $ cd my-datamodel $ pip install -e . Now that we have a data model installed we can create database tables and Elasticsearch indices: .. code-block:: shell $ cd ../my-repository $ ./scripts/bootstrap $ ./scripts/setup Currently, the system doesn't have any users, but more important, it doesn't have an administrator. Let's create one: .. code-block:: shell $ my-repository users create admin@my-repository.com -a --password= $ my-repository roles add admin@my-repository.com admin Run --- You can now run the necessary processes for the instance: .. code-block:: shell # ...in a new terminal, start the celery worker $ workon my-repository $ celery worker -A invenio_app.celery -l INFO # ...in a new terminal, start the flask development server $ workon my-repository $ ./scripts/server * Environment: development * Debug mode: on * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) $ firefox .. note:: Because we are using a self-signed SSL certificate to enable HTTPS, your web browser will probably display a warning when you access the website. You can usually get around this by following the browser's instructions in the warning message. For CLI tools like ``curl`` tou can ignore the SSL verification via the ``-k/--insecure`` option. Create a record ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, the data model has a records REST API endpoint configured, which allows performing CRUD and search operations over records. Let's create a simple record via ``curl``: .. code-block:: shell $ curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{"title":"Some title", "contributors": [{"name": "Doe, John"}]}' \ https://localhost:5000/api/records/?prettyprint=1 { "created": "2018-05-23T13:28:19.426206+00:00", "id": 1, "links": { "self": "https://localhost:5000/api/records/1" }, "metadata": { "contributors": [ { "name": "Doe, John" } ], "id": 1, "title": "Some title" }, "revision": 0, "updated": "2018-05-23T13:28:19.426213+00:00" } Display a record ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can now visit the record's page at https://localhost:5000/records/1, or fetch it via the REST API: .. code-block:: shell # You can find this URL under the "links.self" key of the previous response $ curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ https://localhost:5000/api/records/1?prettyprint=1 { "created": "2018-05-23T13:28:19.426206+00:00", "id": 1, "links": { "self": "https://localhost:5000/api/records/1" }, "metadata": { "contributors": [ { "name": "Doe, John" } ], "id": 1, "title": "Some title" }, "revision": 0, "updated": "2018-05-23T13:28:19.426213+00:00" } Search for records ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The record you created before, besides being inserted into the database, is also indexed in Elasticsearch and available for searching. You can search for it via the Search UI page at https://localhost:5000/search, or via the REST API: .. code-block:: shell $ curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ https://localhost:5000/api/records/?prettyprint=1 { "aggregations": { "type": { "buckets": [], "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0, "sum_other_doc_count": 0 } }, "hits": { "hits": [ { "created": "2018-05-23T13:28:19.426206+00:00", "id": 1, "links": { "self": "https://localhost:5000/api/records/1" }, "metadata": { "contributors": [ { "name": "Doe, John" } ], "id": 1, "title": "Some title" }, "revision": 0, "updated": "2018-05-23T13:28:19.426213+00:00" } ], "total": 1 }, "links": { "self": "https://localhost:5000/api/records/?size=10&sort=mostrecent&page=1" } } Next steps ---------- Although we can run and interact with the instance, we're not quite there yet in terms of having a proper Python package that's ready to be tested and deployed to a production environment. You may have noticed that after running the ``cookiecutter`` command for the instance and the data model, there was a note for checking out some of the TODOs. Uou can run the following command in each code repository directory to see a summary of the TODOs again: .. code-block:: console $ grep --color=always --recursive --context=3 --line-number TODO . Let's have a look at some of them one-by-one and explain what they are for: 1. Creating a ``requirements.txt``: This file is used for pinning the Python dependencies of your instance to specific versions in order to achieve reproducible builds when deploying your instance. You can generate this file in the following fashion (note, this is only for the *instance* and not the *data model*): .. code-block:: console $ cd my-repository/ $ pip install -e . $ pip install pip-tools $ pip-compile 2. Python packages require a ``MANIFEST.in`` which specifies what files are part of the distributed package. You can update the existing file by running the following commands: .. code-block:: console $ git init $ git add -A $ pip install -e .[all] $ check-manifest -u 3. Translations configuration (``.tx/config``): You might also want to generate the necessary files to allow localization of the instance in different languages via the `Transifex platform `_: .. code-block:: console $ python setup.py extract_messages $ python setup.py init_catalog -l en $ python setup.py compile_catalog Ensure project has been created on Transifex under the my-repository organisation. Install the transifex-client .. code-block:: console $ pip install transifex-client Push source (.pot) and translations (.po) to Transifex: .. code-block:: console $ tx push -s -t Pull translations for a single language from Transifex .. code-block:: console $ tx pull -l en Testing ^^^^^^^ In order to run tests for the instance, you can run: .. code-block:: shell # Install testing dependencies $ pip install -e .[tests] $ ./run-tests.sh # will run all the tests... # ...or to run individual tests $ py.test tests/ui/test_views.py::test_ping Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to build and preview the instance's documentation, you can run the following commands: .. code-block:: shell $ cd docs $ make html $ firefox _build/html/index.html