.. This file is part of Invenio. Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN. Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details. .. _install-run-and-test: Install, run and test ===================== In this section, we are going to see how to install the module we just scaffolded, run the tests, run the example application and build the documentation. Before that, we need to **stop** any running Invenio instance. Install the module ------------------ Install the module is very easy, you just need to go to the root directory of the module and run the command: .. code-block:: bash pip install -e .[all] Some explanations about the command: - the ``-e`` option is used for development. It means that if you change the files in the module, you won't have to reinstall it to see the changes. In a production environment, this option shouldn't be used. - the ``.`` is in fact the path to your module. As we are in the root folder of the module, we can just say *here*, which is what the dot means. - the ``[all]`` after the dot means we want to install all dependencies, which is common when developing. Depending on your use of the module, you can install only parts of it: - the default (nothing after the dots) installs the minimum to make the module run. - ``[tests]`` installs the requirements to test the module. - ``[docs]`` installs the requirements to build the documentation. - some modules have extra options. You can chain them: ``[tests,docs]``. .. _run-the-tests: Run the tests ------------- In order to run the tests, you need to have a valid git repository. The following step needs to be run only once. Go in the root folder of the module: .. code-block:: bash git init git add -A check-manifest -u What we have done: - change the folder into a git repository, so it can record the changes made to the files. - add all the files to this repository. - update the file ``MANIFEST.in`` (this file controls which files are included in your Python package when it is created and installed). Now, we are able to run the tests: .. code-block:: bash ./run-tests.sh Everything should pass as we didn't change any files yet. .. _run-the-example-app: Run the example application --------------------------- The example application is a small app that presents the features of your module. The example application is useful during e.g. development to have a minimal application to test your module with. By default, it simply prints a welcome page. To try it, go into the ``examples`` folder and run: .. code-block:: console $ ./app-setup.sh $ ./app-fixtures.sh $ export FLASK_APP=app.py FLASK_DEBUG=1 $ flask run You can now open a browser a go to the URL http://localhost:5000/ you should be able to see a welcome page. To clean the server, run the ``./app-teardown.sh`` script after killing the server. Build the documentation ----------------------- The documentation can be built with the ``run-tests.sh`` script, but you need the *tests* requirements, and run the tests. If you just want to build the documentation, you will only need the *docs* requirements (see the install section above) and run: .. code-block:: console $ python setup.py build_sphinx Publishing on GitHub -------------------- Before going further in the tutorial, we can publish your repository to GitHub. This allows to integrate e.g. TravisCI continue integration system and have easy publishing of your module to PyPI afterwards. First, create an empty repository in your GitHub account. Be sure to not generate any *.gitignore* or *README* files, as our code already has them. If you don't have a GitHub account, you can skip this step, it is only necessary if you plan to publish your module on PyPI. Now, go into the root directory of your module, and run .. code-block:: bash git remote add origin URL-OF-YOUR-GITHUB-REPO Now, we can commit and push the generated files: .. code-block:: bash git commit -am "Initial module structure" git push --set-upstream origin master Finally, we create a new branch to develop on it .. code-block:: bash git checkout -b dev