Scaffold new module

The easiest way to create a new Invenio module is to use our provided cookiecutter template to scaffold the new module.

First, you need to install Cookiecutter, which is available on PyPI (the -U option will upgrade it if it is already installed):

$ pip install -U cookiecutter

Now we will create the files for the module. A module is basically a folder gathering all the files needed for its installation and execution. So, go where you want the directory to be created, and run the command:

$ cookiecutter

This will first clone the template from git to your current directory. Then, Cookiecutter will ask you questions about the module you want to create:

project_name [Invenio-FunGenerator]: Invenio-Unicorn
project_shortname [invenio-unicorn]:
package_name [invenio_unicorn]:
github_repo [inveniosoftware/invenio-unicorn]:
description [Invenio module that adds more fun to the platform.]:
author_name [CERN]: Nice Unicorn
author_email []:
year [2017]:
copyright_holder [Nice Unicorn]:
copyright_by_intergovernmental [True]: False
superproject [Invenio]:
transifex_project [invenio-unicorn]:
extension_class [InvenioUnicorn]:
config_prefix [UNICORN]:

A folder invenio-unicorn has been created, you can go inside and have a look at all the generated files. Don’t be scared about the number of files - a lot of the files are standard files that follow best practices for any Python package.

If you want further information about the created files, you can read the Invenio module layout section.